The Meaning of 2 Eggs
Today, as we commonly do, we took an afternoon walk as a family around our village. We like to greet everyone and usually pick one of the fountains of the village as our destination point since it's hot out and the fountains run with the cool water from off the mountains. By the fountain we went to today, we met an elderly man who smiled and said hello as we passed by and then on our way back, he stopped us and we spoke with him for a few minutes as he commented on our 3 children. Then he told us to wait a minute as he went back into his house and he brought us out 2 fresh eggs from his hen as a gift for feeding the children. Having 3 children in Italy draws a lot of attention and he congratulated us and told us that he always tries to do nice deeds for people that he meets. As we thanked him and said our goodbyes and I carried the eggs home, I thought about not only how much his genuine kindness did my heart good, but also how at night he would lay his head down on his ...