Across The Miles There's Someone Praying for Me
I received this song in an email from a friend of ours at the church in Rome. I was telling her in our recent correspondence of how the Lord had been laying her on my heart to pray for her. It was a blessing to her and then in return it was a blessing to me to receive this song from her in response to my email! You never know what a prayer will do for someone and how it will change their heart and life - be sensitive to the Lord's leading when He brings someone to mind and lays them on your heart. Then take it a step further and encourage that person by letting them know that the Lord was faithful to lay them on someone's heart and that you lifted them up in prayer! What a blessing to know that God cares for you and that others care as well. Be faithful! Near or far, there are people in your very own sphere of influence that need you to lift them up to the Lord... men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Luke 18:1