Special Message
I'm so happy to report that on May 25, Memorial Day, I had the blessing and privilege of leading my little boy, Clarke, to the Lord. AMEN!!!!!! It has to be the sweetest prayer of salvation I have ever heard and the most sincere invitation of a little boy to the Lord Jesus to come into his heart. So Precious! I was honored to be there and be a part of his salvation and I especially wanted to be sure to thank you all for praying for him as he requested! He is still praying for his younger sisters to be saved as well and has been "reading" his Bible and asking us to read to him as well. Such a blessing to our hearts <3 <3 What a great day to get saved (any day is great) but he will "never forget" as that is what Memorial Day is all about - remembering the ones who sacrificed and even died for you! :) Thank you again very much in having a part in Clarke's salvation and let's praise the Lord together for answering our prayers! Click HERE ...