New and Improved
RISE AND SHINE FOR JESUS BY: PAMELA IANNELLO (my late mother) "NEW AND IMPROVED" Proverbs 9:17 (KJV) Stolen waters are sweet , and bread eaten in secret is pleasant . The first thing that stands out to me as I read this verse is how strong sexual temptation is and how powerfully alluring it can be to become engaged in an adulterous affair. Ladies, it is important that we know our competition! Sticking your head in the sand is not going to help you preserve your marriage. Pretending that highly promising and capable competitors will never knock at the door of your home is unwise. Not caring to look this matter square in the eye is foolish of you! More often than not, the fact that stolen waters and secret bread type situations are sinful and short-lived forms of gratification is irrelevant to the individual being drawn away from doing right. These scenarios are first introduced as SWEET and PLEASANT! I have a question for you… Does that describe...