
Showing posts from May, 2017

Plentiful Ponderings

Clarke helping Clint with his first time on a playground in Ontario, NY  Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/ By Pam Iannello (my late mother) "Plentiful Ponderings" In reflecting upon the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving and the plentiful portions of traditional, yummy foods that most of us will consume, I am equally reminded that our Lord is not a God of skimpy portions!  He loads blessing after blessing upon us, and not just once a year! A common concern when gathered together with friends and family during seasonal festivities is whether or not there will be enough provisions to go around, but never with the Lord! The Bible teaches there is PLENTY with God, and we ought to be thankful for it all… PLENTY OF FOOD Joel 2:26(KJV) Ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you:  and my people shall never be ashamed. PLENTY OF WATER ...

Heavenly Recipe: Delicious Baked Apples in 3 Ingredients

This month has had us at my grandfather's house in NY - the apple capital, and he just so happens to LOVE baked apples. In my desire to make him lots of yummy food while here, I also want to make it nutritious for him as well - SO, baked apples sounded great for a healthy dessert! I took a picture here of my pre-baked apples and will tell you the simple recipe that I came up with that my grandfather fell in love with and that took him back to his childhood. 🍎🍎🍎 First, I washed and cored organic Gala apples. So as you can see by the picture, there will be a well in the middle of the apple after the core is removed. In this well, you put 1 tablespoon of organic butter and 1 tablespoon of organic brown sugar. Now, you can stop here or add whatever else you like to the middle of these beauties! I also generously topped the apples with cinnamon and/or nutmeg and then on the right row of apples in the picture, I stuffed in some coconut which my Papa loves and I try to put in any de...

Plan For Humility

This Rise & Shine sent from Ontario, NY - Pic of Chloe's 9th Bday! Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/ by Pam Iannello (my late mother)  "Plan For Humility"  How many of you have your day, maybe even your whole week all planned out?  You've gone over the details of the day/days in your mind and organized your activities in a decent and proper order so that all can be accomplished, the things that you both desire and need to do.  Afterwards, you sigh a sigh of relief for having figured things out for yourself, and then you proceed to live out your schedule with confidence that all will be well.  At this point, if you were to sit down to read your Bible and you came across Proverbs 27:1, which I've included below, how do you think it would settle with you?  Would it change your thinking about your plans and activities?  If so, how?   "Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring f...