Plentiful Ponderings
Clarke helping Clint with his first time on a playground in Ontario, NY Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/ By Pam Iannello (my late mother) "Plentiful Ponderings" In reflecting upon the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving and the plentiful portions of traditional, yummy foods that most of us will consume, I am equally reminded that our Lord is not a God of skimpy portions! He loads blessing after blessing upon us, and not just once a year! A common concern when gathered together with friends and family during seasonal festivities is whether or not there will be enough provisions to go around, but never with the Lord! The Bible teaches there is PLENTY with God, and we ought to be thankful for it all… PLENTY OF FOOD Joel 2:26(KJV) Ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. PLENTY OF WATER ...