Javelin of Jealousy
RISE & SHINE FOR JESUS! \O/ By Pam Iannello I have a little scenario I want to share with you this morning before we get started, something that takes place every day in the hearts of people, even believers - maybe even you! I'm going to create a person we'll name Joan. Joan has a problem; maybe you can help me figure out how to counsel her. Her problem is jealousy. Joan is jealous of everyone - her sister, her mother, other ladies in her church, and even her husband from time to time. Envy is a sin, and as a Christian, Joan knows it to be so. She covets the money, clothes, friends, abilities, influence etc. that others possess. Because of this, Joan spends a lot of time wondering why she is not blessed as others are. This type of thinking of course, leads Joan straight into self-pity. And as she wallows in the same pattern of thoughts she has always had, her problems seem to grow larger... Not surprisingly, her depress...