
Showing posts from May, 2013

Javelin of Jealousy

RISE & SHINE FOR JESUS! \O/ By Pam Iannello I have a little scenario I want to share with you this morning before we get started, something that takes place every day in the hearts of people, even believers - maybe even you!  I'm going to create a person we'll name Joan.  Joan has a problem; maybe you can help me figure out how to counsel her.  Her problem is jealousy.  Joan is jealous of everyone - her sister, her mother, other ladies in her church, and even her husband from time to time. Envy is a sin, and as a Christian, Joan knows it to be so.  She covets the money, clothes, friends, abilities, influence etc. that others possess.  Because of this, Joan spends a lot of time wondering why she is not blessed as others are.  This type of thinking of course, leads Joan straight into self-pity.  And as she wallows in the same pattern of thoughts she has always had, her problems seem to grow larger...  Not surprisingly, her depress...

Video of Our Village and Home

Our boxes arrived yesterday, although with considerable damage to one box. But we are still thankful they are here and not completely lost even though very delayed. We are leaving them with the missionary we are working with until we find new housing. Harrison has an interview on Monday, so please pray! Also, there was a Bible study here in our village today and we had 2 Italians show up and praise the Lord they both made it and listened and learned. They are both saved, but praying for their spouses and families to get saved. It was a blessing to spend time with them and see the Lord working here in Italy.

It's Always The Same Old Stuff

RISE AND SHINE FOR JESUS! \O/ By Pam Iannello Proverbs  11:13  (KJV) A talebearer revealeth secrets :  but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter . A talebearer is a person who doesn’t keep quiet when he should. A talebearer reveals things that should never be told while a faithful person conceals confidential details. Many people think that a talebearer is one who fabricates stories but according to the Bible this is not so. This scripture verse is not referring to falsehoods, but is referring to things that are true but are  unnecessary  to make known. Are you a bearer of tales, dear lady? Should every tidbit of attention-grabbing info you pass along really be made public? Believe it or not, a bona fide talebearer even spreads his  own intimacies  all over the place! Even so,  just because the information is accurate doesn’t make it right to share … Proverbs 18:8 (KJV) The words of a talebearer are as wounds ...

From My Kitchen Window...

Well, we have moved into a new place for now! We found a lovely apartment in a medieval village up on a hill. The view is breathtaking and from the picture on the right, you can see how it would make one feel closer to the Lord! We will stay here temporarily as it is quite a drive from church and costs about $8 in toll fees just to drive to church each time we go. But we are thankful that the Lord provided shelter, and a beautiful shelter at that! God is so good to us and He has quite a sense of humor! For instance, the mosquitoes in Italy are very bad and there are no screens on the windows. So as I was laying in bed the first night in our new place, I prayed for a mosquito net for our bed. The very next day, a dear sister in the church asked me, would you like a mosquito net? I just had to laugh as I shook my head yes and told her about the answer to prayer! But then, we went to Ikea here and got a few household essentials and I forgot an iron, so I prayed for one. Two days later,...

It Is Better

RISE AND SHINE FOR JESUS! \O/ By Pam Iannello Psalm 118:8-9 (KJV) It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. [9] It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. As a Christian, you need confidence. It is required in the Lord’s service because  truth  does not always provoke a positive reaction… Think about it - how could you expect to face the world, the flesh, and the devil on a daily basis without any confidence? You would never want to get out of bed! In light of that fact, we need to check out the  source  of our confidence… Ladies, if our confidence does not grow out of reliance upon God then it is  self-confidence , or rather, reliance upon self. Actually, confidence can be a friend or an enemy to us based on where it is rooted. While exploring your own heart, would you say your confidence is rooted in  you  or the  Lord ? Not sure? Well, if your portion of confidence causes you to b...

First Sunday in Italy

What a blessing it was to actually be in our home church on Sunday! My heart was overflowing as I played the piano and heard the voices of the congregation lifted in praise to the Lord. The church family is comprised of people from all over the world; Philippinos, Africans, Hispanics, and Italians. My brain felt like putty by the end of the day trying to speak and listen to another language all day. It was actually quite comical because one lady from Colombia, spoke her own blend of Spanish and Italian. I was certified in conversational Spanish a few years ago, so what Italian words I didn't know, I substituted for Spanish words and we talked that way for over an hour, laughing over our little situation and communicating just fine! Who knew that all that Spanish I studied for 2 years would be used in Italy?! :) But the biggest thing that stood out to me throughout the day was the fact that God is not limited to any language - HE SPEAKS THEM ALL! He understands them all, created...

Looking For A New Home

 It's the most beautiful spring day here and I've washed and hung out 2 loads of laundry too. Dryers are not popular in Italy at all, and the dryers they do have are basically dehumidifiers and not dry heat. Very interesting... Today we went looking at apartments and for jobs in the paper. The apartment we went to look at  was on the 5th floor without an elevator (which we could work with) but it was so small. However, a dear lady in the church, looked around her hilltop village for us (pictured at the right) and found 2 apartments for us to look at that have more room and for less money! Amen! Plus there are many English teaching jobs there in the village as well. There is no mother tongue English teacher and a need there. So it looks like the Lord is leading us that direction. We will see tomorrow and eventually I will post pictures of our "answer to prayer home". God is so good and faithful to us and we are not afraid, even though we are tempted to worry many ...

Is That Considerate of You

Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/ By Pam Iannello                Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: The Bible clearly tells us what kind of behavior believers in Christ should exhibit one toward one another…  Scripture calls for manners of consideration. That means we are to calculate, reflect upon, or regard the things we do and say with a selfless attitude.  Would you say you are conscientious of other Christians? Do you seek ways to encourage your brothers and sisters in the Lord or express love toward them?  Have you ever deliberated over ways to spiritually stimulate God’s people?  How often do you look for ways to be of service to others?  Those who gratefully consider what God has done for them become the most considerate servants of others, never lacking in motivation… 1 Samuel 12:24     Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth...

Arrival to Our Mission Field - A Day in the Making for 2 1/2 Years!

Dear Ladies,  I'm so happy to report that we safely arrived in Italy today! Praise the Lord! We are so happy to be here and to get to work! I will keep you all updated as I can, but please pray that we find an apt. as we go to look at some on Friday! We borrowed the internet today from the missionary we are working with, so Rise and Shine will continue being sent while we are staying with them. Thank you for your prayers!  Keep pressing on,      Justine Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/      By Pam Iannello I remember when my children were younger, namely at the toddler stage, when they would struggle in their attempts to get along with one another. After solving the problem that developed between them during play, I would then send brother and sister back to what they were doing and say,  “Now love one another!” That is the memory I recalled as I was reading John 15:12… “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, a...