Looking For A New Home
It's the most beautiful spring day here and I've washed and hung out 2 loads of laundry too. Dryers are not popular in Italy at all, and the dryers they do have are basically dehumidifiers and not dry heat. Very interesting...
Today we went looking at apartments and for jobs in the paper. The apartment we went to look at was on the 5th floor without an elevator (which we could work with) but it was so small. However, a dear lady in the church, looked around her hilltop village for us (pictured at the right) and found 2 apartments for us to look at that have more room and for less money! Amen! Plus there are many English teaching jobs there in the village as well. There is no mother tongue English teacher and a need there. So it looks like the Lord is leading us that direction. We will see tomorrow and eventually I will post pictures of our "answer to prayer home". God is so good and faithful to us and we are not afraid, even though we are tempted to worry many times throughout the day with so many "loose ends" around us. Our crates we shipped over have not cleared customs yet either. But as the Bible says in Psalm 42:8, Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life. God gave me a song Wednesday night as I was sleeping and I love it when He gives me songs when I'm resting and sing them over and over in my dreams and the words speak to your heart in such a special way. The hymn was "Rescue the Perishing" and the part that the Lord laid on my heart was,
"Down in the human heart
Crushed by the tempter
Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;
Touched by a loving heart,
Wakened by kindness,
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more."
God has put a new song in our heart here in Italy and we can see already ways that He will use us and give us open doors and my heart is bursting with thankfulness. It was a long hard road here and we know that the trials will still come, but we are thankful that we have needs that only the Lord can fill for us! I would rather have a need and watch the Lord provide, then not have need of the Lord and be self sufficient.
I will update again soon and until then, may you too have a song in your heart and on your lips to our Lord, for He is worthy! \0/
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