Prayer Request
Please pray as my laptop computer has crashed despite our best efforts to save it! My brother is going to look at it this week and Lord willing, be able to fix it! But that means, there will be no Rise and Shines sent out until I'm able to retrieve the files and transfer them to another source. It also affects our other sites we are working on building as well, so please pray as this is quite a frustrating problem when we don't have the finances to replace an entire computer right now. God knows our situation, and just like I said in my last post about my prayers that the Lord answered, I'm thankful to have a need so that I can see God work as only He can. I pray for all of you dear readers as well, that God will work in your hearts and lives in a special way and that somehow, this blog can be a blessing to you, as it is to me. :) Merry Christmas :)