Haynes Family January Prayer Letter
January 2014 Prayer Letter Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ, I hope this prayer letter finds you striving for the Master. Sometimes we make greetings out of habit and say, “I hope everything is going well”. However, in truth, many people are having troublous times…many Christians are struggling at the beginning of 2014. Everything is NOT fine…but still we gear up, put the armor on and push forward for the Name of Jesus. –so I hope you are striving for God despite what is thrown your way! I am happy to report new things in this prayer letter! Justine and the baby are doing well and the due date is Feb. 1st! Now that the baby is almost here, I have re-clarified my goals and am happy to state I will be starting deputation again soon. I will be making so...