Mission For More
Rise and Shine for
Jesus! \O/
by Pam Iannello (my late mother)
Proverbs 15:27 says,
"He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that
hateth gifts shall live."
Man's greed for gain is
a continual source of woe for the people of this world, amen?
However, we all know wealth does not bring contentment, it's not
lasting and the desire for it leads to sin! Greed leads men to
want more than their share... The trade-offs people
accept often bring ruin upon themselves and their loved ones.
They even bring death upon themselves as they live hard and chase
hard after their fleshly desires - and not all our desires are money
related, amen? The Bible says in Luke 9:25: "For what is
man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself,
or be cast away?" Those though, that refuse to be pulled
into such ungodly living and an unbalanced perspective, are the ones
who survive, the ones who thrive, and happily too!
You haven't lost
yourself yet, have you dear lady? Is there a possibility you
are troubling your own home with your personal greed for
gain? To gain is to obtain an increase of anything, to advance
in interest or happiness, to acquire, to reach, to arrive at.
What is it you want more of at this moment in time??
Reputation, favor, family, freedom - what is that thing
that's driving you to the point of losing yourself
altogether? Or be cast away - of no value at all
to your family anymore... What are you sacrificing in the
process to add to your own world?
Many couples are
strained financially, putting enormous pressure on their
marriage. Many women have lost sight of their
priorities in their desire to work outside of the
home. Thoughtlessly sacrificed is harmony and
happiness in the quest for extra... May I ask to what advantage
is it for you to have more than you already do?? Will such
gain make your children any happier to lose their Mom in the
process? Will it make the Lord happy to see you end up a
castaway on your "mission for more" as you even turn your
back on precious time with Him?? Gain is a trap ladies, it
leads to bondage, not freedom! A strong desire for gain is
a burning lust which creates additional lusts that must be satisfied,
and on and on it goes as we chase and chase and chase after more and
more and more. True contentment comes from godliness in
the heart, not more in the hand...
James 4:13-14, "Go
to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city,
and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your
life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then
vanisheth away."
Sad to say, we
Christians fall prey to our greed for gain and blindly accept
trade-offs, the "gifts"
that the devil would grant us if we would but chase after those
lusts of ours we so desire to fulfill! We conveniently
convince ourselves that God would naturally want us to have more,
that there's nothing wrong with acquiring things that make us happy.
We even convince ourselves that it is a result of our own godliness
that has brought gain to us, that God has blessed us with
abundance, just as the false teachers did in 1 Timothy
disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of truth, supposing
that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. But
godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought
nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
And having food and raiment, let us therewith be content."
How many people, upon
their death, have you seen or heard of leave this world carrying all
the "stuff" they troubled their home to have during
their lifetime?? Always the same old question comes up when someone
dies, "How much did they leave?" And the answer is
always the same, "Everything!" Ladies, you didn't
enter this world with anything, and you won't leave this world with
anything, so why do we live so hard for gain and trouble
ourselves and our loved ones simply to have
more?? God would
have us be content with the basics, without that one thing we
want so badly... Perhaps we need to go over the definition of
contentment for a moment:
Webster's 1828 dictionary says: "rest or quietness of the mind in the PRESENT condition; satisfaction which holds the mind in peace, restraining complaint, not opposing or demanding more, and often implying a moderate degree of happiness."
Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!
It hurts when I read that definition, how about you? I can
think of several things that we do not usually feel content about.
For instance, our homes... Are you truly satisfied with your
home's present condition? Or do you tend to wish it
was bigger, had fancier decorations, or was in a better
neighborhood? Our finances... Are you experiencing peace
of mind in this area? Or do you wish you had more money so
you didn't have to learn to go without, could put an end to the
arguing you and your spouse have been doing for years over financial
matters? Our husbands... Has your contentment afforded
you the ability to restrain any complaints of your spouse?
Or are you secretly plagued with wishes that your
husband was as thoughtful or spiritual as "so and
so's"? Your church... Would you say you
are honestly happy with it? Or have you been opposing or
demanding more from your local church? Do you wish yours
was bigger, perhaps? Or maybe you wish yours wasn't so Bible
based and conservative?? What about ourselves... Are you
content with yourself dear lady, or are you always filled with
anxiety over one thing or another? Are you joyfully
experiencing any spiritual growth or are you backslidden and content
with a hard heart? It seems the things we should be
content with we aren't, and the things we shouldn't be content
with, we are!
1 Tim. 6:6, "But
godliness with contentment is great gain."
Notice the order in
this verse ladies... Godliness WITH contentment, is GREAT
gain, not gain WITHOUT godliness, amen? Godliness
must be in place first and then contentment must be added in...
Contrary to the world, this is the secret
formula for great gain as far as God is concerned.
There is no other way for gain to be great! Let's dive into
that thought further for a moment... Look with me at
Phillipians 1:21 where the apostle Paul says:
"For to me to live
is Christ, and to die is gain."
Ladies, when we are
dead, what in this world, will hold power over us anymore? What
temptations will we have to resist? What lusts will we desire
to fill then? What words will offend a dead man? NONE.
Therefore, as a Christian, the pathway to gain is through
death... You and I are to reckon ourselves dead and yet
alive to Christ! Then and only then, will we gladly join
Paul and say these very words and mean them! Then and only then
will godliness show in our lives. You see, the loss of earthly
treasures secures spiritual ones. Likewise, securing
earthly treasures forsakes spiritual ones. Self sacrifice is a
paying investment, dear lady! Life comes out of death!
Gain comes through loss... The apostle Paul had a passion for
living for Christ, to what degree do you share his passion?
Enough to die to yourself and your personal desires for more?
What sort of passion has been drawing you away from Christ?
What about your lifestyle do you need to change in order to have
contentment dwelling in your heart? Let me give you a little
test to take in one sentence. All you have to do is fill in the
blanks below yourself...
For to me to live is
_____________and to die is _______________.
Whatever you filled in
those blanks with is what is keeping you from echoing the same
convictions Paul had about dying to self and living for Christ.
Some say to live is wealth, or knowledge, or fame, or power, or any
number of personal pleasures... JESUS made Paul's
life worth living - nothing else!
Phillipians 3:7-8 says,
"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for
Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the
excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I
have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung,
that I may win Christ."
Yes, Paul was willing
to count everything else as a disadvantage except for knowing
Christ. Everything else paled in comparison to His
Savior. That is who he lived for, and why he lived.
Anything that brought personal gain to him, he considered a loss for
the Lord. Like us, Paul had many things that were valuable to
him - his scholarly upbringing, his heritage, his reputation, even
his abilities to speak boldly to others. He could
certainly profit from using all of these things for himself, for his
personal gain, amen? But he measured these things against what
Christ had to offer - and he refused them! I wonder...
Could you measure what you want so badly against what is available to
you in Christ and choose to go without it? Ladies,
Paul considered everything but dung compared to what he had in
Christ! His joy was not dependent upon the world's value
system, or even his own, but God's. Paul didn't lower his
standards, he simply gave up the good for the better! And in so
doing, he gained much more than he lost.
Maybe now is a good
time for you and I to evaluate our lives and see what "things"
really matter to us most..... For what do you truly live? What greediness of gain has been troubling you so? Is it time you returned home from your "mission for more"?
really matter to us most..... For what do you truly live? What greediness of gain has been troubling you so? Is it time you returned home from your "mission for more"?
God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2000 Pamela A. Iannello
Copyright 2000 Pamela A. Iannello
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