Haynes Family Prayer Letter - May 2016

May was another very good month for us on deputation: 8 scheduled meetings where we presented God's need for the lost in Italy. I was invited to a pastor's fellowship meeting while on the road which was a tremendous blessing because I got to personally meet some pastors where I have future meetings! Kinda like a "meet and greet"...God is so good. Please pray for us as we have another full schedule this coming month!

This trip we experinced stronger spiritual opposition than normal. In 3 back to back churches the projector system wasn't working correctly...not mine, theirs! 3 separate, several thousand dollar systems not working correctly....but I still presented the work and it went GREAT. Mission work is not about things running smoothly, perfectly, or even correctly. Missions work is II Tim. 4:2 "be instant in season, out of season" and to "press on" when things aren't running smoothly. But God is SO good, I got to meet with another VERY GREAT missionary friend and had great fellowship-- he is going to write his sending churches about me and endorse us for support! God is so good!

I want to highlight one aspect of our ministry: My 2 oldest children love to publicly witness. Recently, I took my son street preaching and being 6 years old he wasn't going to say anything-- just hold a sign. Well he didn't just hold a sign, he yelled only 1 thing: "Read your Bible... and No Smoking!“...the best he could come up with...Amen. The last tale of public witness is about my daughter. She ALWAYS has gospel tracts on her. After a deputation meeting in MS, we went to get some ice cream. An older teenager was standing outside the restaurant and my daughter said, "Dad, we should give him a tract." I said, "Ok baby, would you like to give him the tract?" She said, "Yeah, but I'm nervous." I went with her and we walked up to the stranger and I said, "Excuse me, she has something she wants to give you." Thanking us, he took the tract and we went inside to order ice cream. While getting back in the car, my daughter said, "Look dad, he's reading it." Now if this guy gets saved from reading that gospel tract my daughter will get the reward and YOU will also have a part in that! I believe it is important to SHOW others (especially your family) how to be a good Christian by living a clean life AND witnessing. I tell you these stories because, by God's grace, I am grooming kids who are one day going to be helping mom and dad in the work of the Lord in Italy. Missionaries are supposed to witness on the field, win souls, start churches, etc...that's the idea, but the logistics must start BEFORE you get to the field. I think it is important for churches in America to be able to trust a missionary is going to continue to do on the field what he is doing in the States. Also, please know I am already mapping the logistics for evangelizing a specific city in Italy when God brings in the support.

Thank you very kindly for supporting this work financially and through prayers. It's because of people like you and churches like yours that the Gospel of Christ gets to lost souls in Italy. I am happy, humbled, and honored to be part of YOUR faithfulness to send the Gospel to the ends of the earth! See ya next month!

In Christ,
Bro. Harrison Haynes
Your Missionary in Italy


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