P.M.S. For Female Believers
RISE AND SHINE FOR JESUS! \O/ By Pam Iannello (my late mother) PMS, or pre-menstrual syndrome, is a time of the month for females when basic emotions are elevated by way of hormonal changes. Syndrome is a word that simply means “a set of symptoms”. In other words, ladies, there are definite signs that our hormones are shifting gears. PMS does not mean that women with bodies preparing for menstruation are sporting a fatal disease that requires admittance to the intensive care unit for ongoing observation and/or a special license to be excused from anything they say or do prior to blood flow. The fact is Christian women can rise above their “set of symptoms” with the help of the Lord – IF THEY REALLY WANT TO. The emotional changes that we experience are simply more of what we already contend with on a daily basis. For instance, if you have successfully managed a particular emotion any other time of the month, PMS is nothing out of the ordinary; the sam...