The Haynes Family Prayer Letter - February 2017
The Haynes Family
Missionaries to Italy
Sending Church/Support for the Ministry in Italy:
Bible Believers Baptist Church
℅ Bro. Harrison Haynes
120 Capshaw Rd
Madison, AL 35757
February 2017
Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends:
Family Side:
Well the enemy is not happy about deputation and kids are always an easy target with health: always being in a new place and around new people during the cold and flu’s a formula for sickness. SO, the kids have been off and on sick then healthy, sick then fine, sick then well. But thank you for praying because we are traveling and presenting the work in Italy like normal.
Italy Side:
I want to personally thank you for praying for my friend in Italy (Marco)...after the last surgery, he did a “complete 180” and the last I heard he was going to get to go home within a couple of weeks! Prayer does Work!
Deputation Side:
Praise the Lord things are going well! God has been opening doors for us and another church has taken us on for support! Shouting news: My 8 year old daughter (Chloe) and my wife (Justine) led a person to Christ this past month. I am so proud of both of them but especially Chloe because she has soul winning already on her mind! Seed is being sown, Seed is being watered and sometimes we get to gather the harvest while on the deputation trail...all of which would be impossible without you. Thank you for your prayers and financial support which allows us to present what God is doing in Italy...which is sending the Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ to a place where He hasn’t been named, yet!! Please continue to pray for us about God’s direction of the vehicle and that I will present God’s work in Italy the way He wants it presented in OH and NY: that other churches will take on Italy as their mission field as well!
God Bless,
Bro. Harrison Haynes
Missionary to Italy
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