Prepared To Participate

Little Clint turned 2 this month!

By Pam Iannello (my late mother)

"Prepared To Participate"

John 6:5-9 (KJV)
When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? [6] And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. [7] Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. [8] One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him, [9] There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?

Truly there are plenty of details pertaining to this story in scripture that affect us in all sorts of ways. Before this year comes to a close I want to focus on a different aspect of this particular account each day. So at this moment let me share with you some things that I’ve been pondering thus far…

There is a lad here… To some, this bit of information might seem like a trivial feature in relation to the massive miracle that transpired overall. But ladies, let’s not overlook the fact that this little fellow plays a very big part in the feeding of the five thousand! Tell me, dear mother, are your children similarly equipped to participate in the service of the Lord? Are they prepared to participate in things that bring glory to God? What are you putting into your children on a daily basis that God can tap into for His work? Based on the upbringing your children are receiving in your home, could the Lord use your child/children to prove something about His power to this world? Ladies, never underestimate the little things that you put into your children’s lives – God uses unexpected things at His disposal to accomplish very outstanding miracles! Little stuff means a lot and much of it begins with YOU…

There is a lad here… What did this little boy bring to the situation besides his presence, even besides his bread and fish? I believe he brought a testimony with him about his home life. Likewise, wherever our children go and what they have on their person (inside and out) speaks volumes about Mom and Dad. Though I have never met his parents, from this lad’s role in the feeding of the five thousand I have gained a glimpse into some things that he was almost certainly taught at home.

First of all, this boy carried five barley loaves and two small fishes on his person. A balanced, modest lunch was packed for this little guy. Notice that he was given carbohydrates and proteins to eat – not just sugar coated stuff or only that which was his favorite food in unlimited quantity! Very often when I am grocery shopping I am overwhelmed by the number of children that dictate the family diet from the seat of the grocery cart! Mothers walk up and down the aisles of the grocery store foolishly permitting Johnny or Suzy to point at what they want to eat and promptly obey their child’s wishes at all cost like puppets. Tell me, what do these little ones know about what is good for them?? What do they know about vitamins and minerals and health issues at such a young age? NOTHING! That is why God gave them parents – to oversee their food intake with good sense and concern for things besides preventing a tantrum! Mother, I hope your grocery list does not consist solely of “Things That Keep My Child from Having a Fit”.  Incidentally, the loaves of bread this lad possessed consisted of “barley” - the food of the very poor. And the small fishes were typically used as a relish on bread and even though they were not considered dainties of the day, they were humble provisions on hand for Christ to draw from.

There is a lad here… Another of the variety of things that stood out to me that this young boy was obviously taught was not to be miserly. When Jesus sought to use the lad’s bread and fish there is no indication of selfishness on the boy’s part though chances are he was poor. Clearly he had been taught to share early in life and taught to care about others too. He was groomed to be a giver, not a taker. It is obvious that the lad had also been taught to respond respectfully to the adults surrounding him, with no bitterness. Just for a moment imagine putting a number of children from our day into this same setting and suggest the idea of giving up something that belongs to them – what a scene that would be! You probably couldn’t pry it out of their tight little fists or even get them to share their food with a family member let alone an outsider! Somehow I don’t think much of a miracle would occur in the lives of the multitude present that day if our generation of children were summoned to participate... And there is no one to blame but the parents!

There is a lad here… What an encouragement it is to see this particular fellow make such a healthy contribution to society at so young an age. Ladies, this little lad’s upright nature affected at least five thousand people in one day! Wouldn’t you be pleased if that were your child? Yes, as a lad he was able to listen to his superiors and comply without demanding why and without having to take Ritalin! Surprised? Don’t be – that is the difference that good parents make in the social conduct of their children… Ladies, stop thinking you have to wait until your children are older before you can expect first-rate manners out of them – excellent behavior can take place early on with the right kind of training in the home. Sadly, we are raising a generation of children who are taxing society and requiring all sorts of public regulation and rehabilitation before they could ever be called upon to make quality donations to any setting they enter. Based on your style of parenting, how and when would Jesus ever be able to use your child/children for His purposes?

There is a lad here… We have a child in this story that ended up in close proximity to Jesus amid the rest of the crowd… Even so, standing in the company of thousands of people was a youngster who was apparently sensitive and surrendered to godly purposes and God didn’t pass over his tender heart… Think about how motivated this little fellow must have been to witness Jesus using his five barley loaves and two fishes to carry out so significant an event! Can you imagine how this child’s faith in God must have been mightily stirred that day? All because his parents had properly prepared him to participate… Tell me, dear mother, are you setting your child/children up to have their faith in the Lord enlarged or endangered?

There is a lad here… How would Andrew finish this comment if your sons or daughters were in the audience that day? Ladies, prepare your children to be accessible to God! Take the time to put things into their little lives on a daily basis that will aid their participation in the Lord’s service. It’s more than teaching them how to harmonize in song or arranging for them to play an instrument, though these things are a blessing as well. I am talking about molding and shaping their hearts and minds in such a way that their entire disposition truly reflects a godly upbringing. You must instill the right kind of character traits into your children (and grandchildren!) if they would be instruments through which the power of God could work to influence a lost and dying world for Jesus Christ! Train them to contribute to miracles.

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2005 Pamela A. Iannello


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