Featuring: Hope Now Ukranian Orphanage
God setteth the solitary in families...Psalm 68:6
Today I was introduced to Hope Now Ministries which is focused on showing the love of Jesus to orphans in Ukraine. They work with orphanages to meet children's basic needs while building loving relationships with them. I was saddened to learn that right now, there are about 750 institutions housing over 100,000 orphans in Ukraine and the majority of them were abused or abandoned by their parents.
I learned that in Ukraine, after 9th grade, children "graduate" from the orphanage and many of these kids without a support system and without Jesus, just end up in street gangs, prostitution, and drugs.
This is where Hope Now Ministries comes in...and you too! Please keep reading!
God speaks many times throughout Scripture of His love for children and how He wants us to not offend them or discourage them. Hope Now Ministries provides a means for you to encourage and sponsor a child who no longer has a family! What a blessing to do something that requires so little of us, but will make such a lasting, eternal impact!
Shpola Orphanage in the Cherkassy region offers a unique way to connect the love of Christ to His children in Ukraine.
You can click here to learn more about the wonderful opportunity that you have for helping sponsor a child in the Ukranian orphanage.
Orphan Sponsorship focuses on providing individualized care for each child from nutrition, to health/hygiene, to counseling, all while exposing them to the Gospel!
Amen to that!
My heart breaks as I learn of the many needs at Shpola orphanage. They provide both education and housing for up to 200 children, aged 6-16 years, and I hope and pray that you will join me in prayer for Hope Now Ministries and the children there, as to what God wants you to do to be a part of leading children to Him and changing lives for His glory!
There is a great work going on in Ukraine and GREAT WORKS HAVE GREAT NEEDS! Please visit their website and learn more about their work going on and the many ways you can get involved right now!
Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. -Proverbs 3:27
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