By Pam Iannello (my late mother)

May this list of things that God taught my mom through her battle with cancer, be a 

blessing and encouragement to you! I'm sure you know someone that is struggling

 with illness and probably even cancer, please feel free to pass this along to them to 

help them on their journey too. 

  1. God doesn’t put more on me than I can bear (in the power of His might).
  2. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.
  3. God’s grace IS sufficient and deserves more respect than we give it.
  4. God’s Word is true; it’s enough; and it’s powerful! I love my Bible.
  5. God’s Spirit is sweet and personal and can be with me where and when no one else can.
  6. Prayer is more precious than good health.
  7. Being surrounded by prayer warriors is the best medicine!
  8. Be faithful with prayer requests because you never know when your name will be added to the list!
  9. Preaching primes us privately for the race that is set before us. Listen closely!
  10. You can still live and love and laugh without all the answers.
  11. My church family loves me very much!
  12. Children make excellent comforters. They have a lot to offer grown-ups if we would let them.
  13. Lost people display more compassion than some saved people do.
  14. There are more hurting, heavy hearted people than I realized – just go to the hospital and sit and you’ll see…
  15. My reaction to my trials spawns a trickle down effect.
  16. It is necessary to correct the thinking of saints who lower their opinion of God when He brings a trial close to home.
  17. I must use my time and my words more wisely, keeping eternity ever before me.
  18. Being loyal to the truth severely reduces regrets.
  19. Doctors and medical personnel need a warm smile, a good word and a hearty Christian example.
  20. The sunshine, the various birds, the blue skies and white fluffy clouds, the sight and smell of flowers, the character of individual trees, the sound and touch of the wind, even the glorious moon and stars offer special comforts and bring unanticipated joy to the heart – all for free!
  21. Expressions of love should never be postponed or rationed according to conduct.
  22. Conviction is God’s life trying to find its way into mine. I need it and am grateful for every ounce of it!
  23. Trials burn off impurities – internal and external. Thank God for them!
  24. There are a few people who are actually pleased that I have cancer and follow my progress with selfish interest. Still, I will pray for them.
  25. Taking time out to talk with and listen to my loved ones is a worthwhile investment. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
  26. Waiting is good for my faith and my spirit!
  27. I need people and I need to accept their help and thank them for it.
  28. Submitting my will to God has made it difficult for the devil to harass me!
  29. Surprisingly enough, some folks are disappointed that I’m not discouraged by my situation – even Christians!
  30. You’ll fight like you train.
  31. “Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him...” Job 13:15
  32. “…neither count I my life dear unto myself…” Acts 20:24
  33. Psalm 121
  34. By considering the fact that my life could soon come to a close, I am struck hard with the truth that I really love everything that I do! I love being my husband’s wife; I love being my children’s mother; I love keeping my house in order and cooking; I love yard work; I love God’s work!!
  35. I need to start giving heaven more thought and appreciation – the place that Christ has gone to prepare for ME.
  36. I stand in awe of the Throne of Grace and the God who sits on that Throne, inviting me to approach Him boldly to obtain mercy and find grace to help in my time of need.
  37. You have to be able to be touched with what you teach. (Job 4:3-5)
  38. While helping other people with their struggles you must make sure that you can help yourself in your own!
  39. Sufferings are gifts; they do us no wrong, they mean us no hurt. They invite us to trust God’s love. 
  40. Never say “never” – it may just be the thing the Lord requires of you! 


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