Haynes Family Prayer Letter - September 2018
Dear Churches and Friends,
Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
I thank God the summer is almost over and cooler weather is on the way. It’s hot but not as hot as HELL, and that is the message according to 1st Corinthians 15 which we preach and will be taking to Italy for people who have never heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Italy has nearly 60 Million people and the very vast majority of them have never heard a clear cut message about Christ who died for their sins and Mary can’t help them!
We are back in the south and with support at the current level, we are looking at starting the passport process. We are going to start chopping away at passports as we are able, because we need 7 passports and they aren’t cheap, so we are going to try and be as prudent as possible with this part of the paperwork side and apply for them as we can. So please be in prayer for the necessary funds to do this.
Prayer concern: Our van is...well...the deputation van and she’s turning 223, 000 miles (not bad for an American car) but it’s no doubt due to your prayers getting us along. We are praying about where to “winter”, as Paul said, because I don’t think this van will be able to handle the long range meetings like she has for the past nearly 3 years. SO, I am seeking God’s guidance about the WHERE, and HOW. I really don’t want to completely purchase another vehicle because if the support continues to build like it has in the past few months….we might not need a vehicle (State side) in a few months. Also, when we start the Passport/VISA process, we need to be at a stationary address for a little bit…..SO, please keep all of that before the Throne for us, thanks!
Lastly for this month’s info, please continue to pray for Bro. Eubanks’ Gospel Tracts Across America and he has asked me to partner with him in accomplishing this. We have been working together for the past few months on this and it has gone from an idea, to on paper, to connecting all the dots, to right now getting ready to perform a primary run of getting roughly 1,000 envelopes with the Gospel into homes in a certain city. After the kinks get worked out, this will become scaleable to evangelize ENTIRE cities in America in one fell swoop. Praise the Lord!
That’s it for this past month, if you can help with the upcoming needs of this ministry to Italy, it would be a great blessing!
God Be With You,
Bro. Harrison Haynes and Family
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