Mail Call
Rise and
Shine for Jesus! \O/
Who likes to get mail? I do, I do! I like going to the mailbox and finding something personal in there, just for me. :-) I'm sure our missionary ladies know exactly what I am talking about… By the way, I hope we are all faithful to write to our missionary wives and families, as I'm sure it can get pretty lonely on the field. E-mail is nice, but a hand written letter in the mail is nicer, amen? It's almost as if the person themselves arrived on your doorstep!
Suppose that
today, when you went out to your mailbox to get the mail, there was a letter
addressed to you from Jesus Christ.
Would you be excited? Would you
drop all the other mail just to read it?
Imagine each one of us standing at our mailboxes and in quiet
anticipation, opening our letters from Jesus…
What would they read? For what
commend you, and in what ways would He correct you?
Dear, __________
"I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how
thou canst
not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say
they are
apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars. And hast borne, and
hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left
first love.
Remember therefore from whence thou are fallen, and repent, and do
the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy
candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." (Rev. 2:1-5)
Jesus Christ
"...... he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand,
who walketh in
the midst of the seven golden candlesticks." (Rev.2:1)
receiving a letter such as this, what a long walk back from the mailbox it
would seem, amen, ladies? What a thought
provoking letter, hitting right at the center of our hearts and causing us to
stop and take inventory of our busy lives…
How gracious
the Lord is to open His letter with words of commendation! He pointed out and
identified the fact that this church at Ehpesus was definitely one that was
active in serving the Lord. Perhaps that
is a description of you today as well. I
hope it is! There is no greater
privilege than to be involved in the Lord's work.
Jesus Christ
both recognized and approved of their labor, their toil to the point of
exhaustion on His behalf. These
believers despised sin, had developed intolerance for it. They knew their
doctrine well and were able to spot false prophets easily; neither did they run
from conflicts. As individuals, they
remained steadfast for the truth while enduring
and kept going when times got tough, never once compromising or fainting. They were soul-winners and disciplers of
those they personally led to the Lord.
Maybe that also is a description of you today and even the character of
your church family as a whole. Praise the Lord if it is a fitting portrayal.
It makes us
feel good to know that we are doing right and that our activities please the
Lord. You know, at this point in reading
my letter from Jesus, I would be feeling pretty good about myself! This is a near perfect sketch of a servant of
the Lord, and one that we would all be proud to hold in reputation. But, is
that all we need - only to KNOW all the right answers and DO all the right
Christ said - "in spite of all of the above activities". You see how
our Lord follows His commendation with correction. He was correcting these believers in an area
that only Christ would know they needed correcting in. With human eyes, all appeared to be perfect
and in order. But in the eyes of the One
who walked in the midst of them, there was something amiss. They were guilty of abandoning their adoration
Himself! They had lost the fervency of
their first love… Things had become routine, mechanical. Isn't it scary when you think about how we
can be capable of performing near perfectly as a Christian, and yet not really
LOVE Jesus Christ?! When a husband and
wife in their marriage begin to take each other for granted and simply go
through the motions, having lost their passion, you know their relationship is
in danger, amen? We can love our
husbands just as a virtuous woman should, and yet be indifferent, having no
feelings, while carrying out those dutiful daily activities in our homes. What’s more, it can be so in our relationship
with Jesus Christ.
Ladies, the
Lord states that He considered this a "fallen" condition in verse 5
of Rev. 2. Our indifference and decline
in love toward Him is sinful! However, it is a condition that can be repaired
and our Savior gives us the instructions, coupled with a warning, on how to do
so in the remainder of His letter to us…
We must
endeavor to recover our first zeal, our first tenderness, our first
seriousness, and we must pray as earnestly, and watch as diligently, as when we
first set out in the ways of God. First
of all, Jesus tells us to "remember" from whence thou art
fallen. Remember your spiritual
honeymoon, how it was when you first came to know Christ as your Savior? Your heart was involved more than your body
was at that time, amen? Has that changed
for you over the course of time, dear lady?
Have you left your heart back a few years and moved on ahead with just
your body in serving Jesus? Remember -
and keep on remembering – until your desire to have close fellowship and
communion with your Lord has returned!
Did you use to talk to God about the least little things before? Now, perhaps you only talk to Him in great
distress or trial. True love matures and grows deeper over the course of time
and should not lessen. If you have been
closer to the Lord at any other time in your life than you are today, then you
have "fallen" from your first love and it brings God much
Next, the
Lord admonishes us to "repent".
We must turn away from this downhill progression and climb our way back
to the place we used to be at with the Lord, "do the first works" -
Bible reading, prayer, meditation, obedience etc. We must confess our sins and change our mind
about the sinful direction we have been taking.
That means we might have to give up a few things we are physically
involved in! While man places emphasis
on activity, the Lord places emphasis on restoring our relationship with Him to
a closeness that has been broken by our sin and neglect.
What happens
if we continue on in such desolate manner, with our hearts nowhere to be found
anywhere in our activities? Jesus says
in His letter to us, “.... or else I will come unto thee QUICKLY, and will
remove thy candlestick out of his place...” Ladies, when we lose our love, it
puts us in danger of losing our light!
How do you think your light is doing
days? How do you think your LOVE for
Christ is really faring?
You see, no
matter how perfect our testimony may be, we are not indispensable! The Lord can and will remove us from our
places of service, where our light is supposed to be, and He says He wouldn't
waste any time in doing so either! It's
that serious… Many churches today have
lost their light and have become dead because they grew so busy they let their
hearts grow cold toward the very Lord they are serving! Such is the condition of many individual
believers today as well. Busy as a bee,
but without the buzz!
honest… How would you assess the health
of your relationship with Christ right now?
How can you keep your commitment to Him from waning over time? At what time in your life did you feel
closest to the Lord? Has that condition
changed? Perhaps you have been very busy
with all the right activities but very far away from the Lord in your heart.
might not be
guilty of fainting, but you ARE guilty of falling away and slighting the Holy
Spirit! God says things need to change immediately if this is so. Better remember, repent, and return to your
first love this very moment, that being Jesus Christ! He is your staying
power. Labor is no substitute for love; we must have both!
Now, aren't
you glad you checked the mail?
God Bless,
2000 Pamela A. Iannello
Revised 2003
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