My Heart Is Set On It

By Pam Iannello
A ministry of New Beginnings Baptist Church @

Col. 3:2 (KJV)
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Many times as we read this portion of scripture we take a quick inventory of our hearts and conclude that we are not at fault for being entirely engrossed by things on the earth.  But ladies, I want us to stop for a moment and consider our plans and ideas, for they also fall under the category of “things”. Yes, even these must be abandoned for higher concerns… Despite that fact, we are frequently guilty of setting our affection upon events we hope will come to pass which could be altered by God or others…

Is there any particular wish that you would like to come true during your life on this earth that you have set your heart on? Could it be that your yearnings might interfere with your ability to respond properly to this Biblical command? Ladies, if your affections are not set on things above then eventually God will receive resistance from you whenever His will takes precedence over yours! How flexible are you as a Christian? Are you always “crossing your fingers” and “holding your breath” till things turn out the way you want, or are your affections set on things above?  

Actually, the devil doesn’t mind it a bit when we endeavor to arrange our lives to our liking – it falls perfectly into his plan to discourage us and cause us to be angry with God for botching “things” up when they go haywire. That is because things on earth are in opposition to things above. So, now you understand why it isn’t wise to set our hearts upon things on the earth! Don’t let Satan meddle with your affections…

Has your view of God suffered injury for reasons related to this very issue? Has your love for spiritual things been dulled? After considering the matter of setting your heart on your personal plans and ideas, do you still believe the hurtful outcome is God’s fault or possibly your own?

1 John 2:15-17 (KJV)
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [16] For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. [17] And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Farewell, vain world;
My soul bids you adieu;
My Savior taught me
To abandon you.
Your charms may gratify
A sensual mind,
But cannot please
A soul for God designed.
David Brainerd (1718–1747)

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2

Copyright 2005 Pamela A. Iannello


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