O My Soul
Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/
Pam Iannello - my late mother
ministry of New Beginnings Baptist Church
devoted would you say you are to the Lord?
stop and think about that before you come up with an answer! What
evidence have you provided that you are devoted to the Lord at
all? What behavior do you
observe in the lives of others that convince you they are devoted to
Him? When I came across a particular verse in my Bible reading this
morning, I was convicted about the condition of my devotion to God.
Perhaps you will be too as you join me in reading Psalm 103:1…
the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
I read those words, I had never really pondered the idea of MY soul
blessing the Lord. Unfortunately, we usually think about God
blessing us! Is YOUR soul blessing the Lord today, dear lady; are you
pleasing your heavenly Father? Here David calls upon his soul,
his immortal nature, ALL his senses and faculties, to bless the holy
name of God. He stirs his innermost self to magnify the Lord. Have
you ever thought about stirring your innermost self to do the same??
Ladies, this verse is a call to our wholehearted
devotion to God, for the very next phrase says, "and
all that is within me."
There is ALOT that is within me – and probably you too, but that
does not necessarily mean it is blessing the Lord or a credit to His
sacred name! Can we really say that we are devoted to the Lord if
only a portion of
all that is within us is pleasing to Him?
Psalm 103:2-3 (KJV)
the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all
his benefits: [3] Who forgiveth all
thine iniquities; who healeth all
thy diseases;
that the psalmist goes on to point out how many of our iniquities and
diseases God attended. Does the Bible say the Lord forgave SOME of
our iniquities or ALL of them? Does scripture say the Lord healed
SOME of our diseases or ALL of them? Ladies, if our God is thoroughly
devoted to our well-being,
doesn’t He deserve equal devotion, if not greater? Aren’t you
thankful the Lord doesn’t display a casual
attitude toward us? Yet, today many Christians display a casual
attitude toward God! Perhaps David exhorts us not to forget
ALL God’s benefits because
that is the root problem to our lack of devotion to the Lord! When
is the last time you called all God’s benefits into recollection?
If you did it more often, I can guarantee you wouldn’t be so laid
back in your Christianity! You wouldn’t be so relaxed in your
convictions or careless concerning your testimony. And you wouldn’t
enjoy attending an informal, non-denominational church either! If
you were truly thankful that God looked into EVERY area of your life,
then you’d turn around and do the same and make sure there was no
area where your soul had slipped. Sadly, we offer things to God that
cost us nothing. Don’t let
mainstream Christianity determine your devotion as a believer – let
all God’s benefits toward you be the determining factor!
116:12 (KJV)
shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me?
we determine if someone is devoted to the Lord or not, man usually
looks on the outward actions of a person. But God sees ALL that is
within us – He knows the truth and the depth of our devotion to Him
- and so do you! If you'll be honest with yourself today, you will
admit that you know at this very moment whether or not ALL that is
within you is exalting your heavenly Father. Based on that
perspective, how would you answer my
question NOW?? How devoted
would you say you are to the Lord?
we certainly fall short in many ways, each one of us should arouse
our own hearts to become engrossed in living entirely for God. What
is there within us that could actually bless His HOLY name? Well,
below is a portion of scripture showing a list of things that every
one of us could make use of to bless the Lord…
12:30-33 (KJV)
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy
strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like,
namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none
other commandment greater than these. And the scribe said unto him,
Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and
there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart, and
with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the
strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all
whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
text describes the thoroughness and fervency that our devotion to God
should embrace. As you go down this Biblical checklist of all that
is within you, would you honestly be able to say that each one of
these areas thoroughly blesses the holy
name of the Lord? Yes, the
character behind God’s name must be considered when determining
whether or not your entire life is truly supportive of His nature!
What's the spiritual condition
of your heart and your soul today? Are you harboring any
unforgiveness or bitterness there? Has all obstinacy been replaced by
submission? How about your mind? Are all
your thoughts a blessing to the Lord – even the ones about your
husband?? How about your strength – is it regularly employed to
accomplish things for God or just to carry out your own personal
plans? What about your understanding? As a Christian, are you
maturing in your perception of the scriptures, are you devoted to
learning the truth AND obeying it? Or have you chosen to remain
ignorant in order that you might live a life devoted to self? Don’t
forget to consider the quality of your love, too! Is it poured out
upon the world and conditional in nature, or freely motivated by
heaven alone? Think about all that lies within you today that must be
addressed in order that every
area might please God to the fullest extent, so that ALL that is
within you is devoted to the Lord. Now would be a good time to
consider whether or not you are really committed to removing the sin
in your life or just remain a casual Christian!
116:7 (KJV)
unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with
the way, did you notice the revealed order within those verses in
Mark chapter 12? Presented first is the INWARD list of areas in our
lives that ought to bless the Lord. Next listed is the OUTWARD
direction of our devotion, that which is pointed toward mankind. How
many of us are out of order today, how many of us find it easier to
live a life of devotion to that which man can see, yet choose to pass
over the areas within us that God alone can see?? Ladies, scripture
exhorts us to consider the inward first,
because genuine loyalty to the Lord and sincere love for Him
naturally results in a love for others! Devotion
to God must be the foundation of any worthwhile service or sacrifice
we might perform. Devotion to
God will engage us to everything by which He will FIRST be pleased.
With what activities are you engaged in of late? With what purpose
is your heart absorbed?
86:12 (KJV)
I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my
heart: and I will glorify thy name forever.
hope you are completely engrossed in glorifying the name of the Lord,
for this blesses our heavenly Father. Ladies, if we are truly
devoted to God, our soul and ALL that is within us will overflow with
a desire to bless HIS name, not our own! What is your soul’s chief
work? The full soul will leak with a steady stream of desire to bring
honor to the Lord's name and faithfully keep that holy cause in the
forefront of our minds at all times…
34:2a (KJV)
soul shall make her boast in the Lord:
you truly committed to being a testimony for the name of the Lord, or
are you more dedicated to making yourself look good by keeping up
with mainstream Christianity? Is God’s praise continually upon
your lips, or hints of your own? Those who are truly devoted to the
Lord will understand there are certain things that displease God the
most, and will shun all forms of vain activity…
6:16-19 (KJV)
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven
are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands
that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that
speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
if there is any of this particular type of behavior present in your
life today, even in small
amounts, then you are not
living out a life that is devoted to the Lord; there is something
dwelling within you that is not pleasing to Him and requires your
repentance! Is it pride? Is it a lying tongue? How about the sowing
of discord? Could it be wicked imaginations? Whatever category your
sin may fall under, I implore you to take care of it immediately! In
fact, your response will you prove the intensity of your devotion to
Luke 1:46-47 (KJV)
Mary said, my SOUL doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced
in God my Saviour.
doubt about it, Mary was a woman who enjoyed close fellowship with
the Lord. Her heart's strongest desire was to lift up the name of
the Lord with her WHOLE being, not just part of it every now and
then. Mary was not a casual
Christian. The believing soul
will be more zealous to be taught the way and the truth of God, in
order to walk therein and magnify Him. Let's join Mary in her
devotion to the Lord, amen? This is a cause that brought not only
the Lord much happiness, but Mary as well. Nothing should rejoice
our spirits more than to know we are always pleasing our Savior and
our God! Why not put your name in the blank below and make this the
testimony of your life too…
_________ said, my SOUL doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath
rejoiced in God my Savior.
1999 Pamela A. Iannello
Revised 2004
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