Haynes Prayer Letter- March 2016

The Haynes to Italy

March 2016

Greetings to all Supporting Churches, Pastors and Friends,

March was a very good month for us regarding deputation--we were in 7 meetings including a great mission's conference. God and God's people were very kind to us during March: I went to the mission's conference and forgot to pack neck ties...(not really that big of a deal) and after going "open collar" to the first meeting of the mission's conference...I told the pastor I would go to Walmart and have a tie for the night service. God had other plans because the pastor gave me 3 suits, 2 ties and a dress shirt!! They fit me like they were made just for me! God is good to HIS children.

From the last prayer letter, I wrote about a tool for the vehicle. God supplied that tool and I want to publicly thank God and the brother who gave it. --I can't wait to witness to someone with it!! Here is what I mean:

During the March mission's conference, a person (his name was Andy) next to the house where we stayed had some car trouble. I saw him and offered to help him with a jack I travel with in my van. Preparation met opportunity. After Andy's car was fixed he (and a second man helping him) returned the jack. Andy and I had good conversation and I gave him a gospel tract. Andy left while the second man (Bill) stayed to tell me he (Bill) was saved, but he witnessed to Andy about Christ all during lunch--Andy just "bawled his eyes out the whole time". Bill thanked me for helping with Andy and told me that giving the tract to Andy was just what he needed because it "came from a another person". Now, Bill and I are not responsible for Andy's decisions about Christ, however I am responsible to get the gospel to those who need to hear it....even if they are borrowing a tool.

"Knock, Knock, Knock" came from the front door and while swinging open the door I spied an older, well dressed man standing at the thresehold with a piece of paper in his hand. "Hello, I would like to welcome you to a meeting about Christ we are having this next week", said the man. I looked at the paper and Jehovah's Witness was the only words which leaped back up to me. In one smooth movement like a ninja, I grabbed my double bladed KJV sword, stepped to the front porch, closed the door behind me and "Ding, Ding, Ding". II Tim. 2:25 "In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves;" No, I didn't butcher this guy and leave him on the front porch to bleed to death. With grace and tact I informed him I was Saved and can PROVE IT from the Bible, and did he know he was going to heaven WITHOUT A DOUBT. He pointed to a few references in my Bible...fortunately for him I was able to use the verses HE pointed out to give him a clear cut view of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, this man wants to bank on his good works, and wants God to judge his good works during the (Great White Throne) Judgement after hearing how the Blood of Jesus Christ washes away sin. Sad....his name is Vaughn and needs your prayers.

"You will do on your mission field WHAT you do here in the States". I sure hope so!! You need a combine for spiritual reaping in the untouched harvest fields of Italy. Please pray for our travels as we have another very full month during April: 9 meetings including another mission's conference. As always, my family and I are honored to be apart of your church's vision and obedience of Christ's commandment of reaching the lost from Italy. One day (hopefully soon) YOU, PERSONALLY, will be the person in Titus 3:15 which "All that are with me salute thee" because YOUR sacrifices made it possible! Thank you.

In Christ, 
Bro. Harrison Haynes

Your Missionary to Italy



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