Homeschool for Free

I have been meeting many homeschool families on deputation and am often asked what curriculum we use and for some advice. Many would also love to homeschool but can't afford it or are intimidated. Well, a couple years ago when I was researching curriculums and homeschooling on a budget of zero, the Lord brought me upon a great find that I hope will be of help to you or someone you know. 
You can now homeschool for FREE - yes, free and starting from preschool to 12th grade. It is Christian based curriculum and is all laid out day by day for each grade and all free to use daily and online. All you need is a tablet or computer. This amazing resource may sound too good to be true, but it is run by a missionary's wife who homeschools their several children and when she compiled all the materials, she was burdened to share her work for free as a ministry for other families. 
When we have internet, the kids love using this website. We will definitely be doing it full time in Italy if for nothing more than a great outline to go by OR to use in addition to what you are using now!
Please do check it out - I know it can help so many people who thought they could never homeschool! It really is a great ministry, so please share and enjoy at the links below.

All In One Homeschool

All In One Homeschool Youtube Channel  


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