Poured Out

               Claire's 5th Bday! (the little lady in the front middle)


Rise and Shine for Jesus! \0/

                          By Pam Iannello (my late mother)

                                          "Poured Out"
Psalm 62:8
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

This morning I had a chance to be in the house all by myself – a rare occasion to be sure! I really enjoyed it and found that it altered my quiet time in a unique way. As I sat at the kitchen counter with my Bible open, I read a portion of scripture and then proceeded to talk to the Lord without stopping. Except for the possibility of the phone ringing, there was no chance of an interruption. What a difference it made in the way I prayed! As the verse above states, I poured out my heart before the Lord. Cares and concerns within me came out in full force as a steady stream, a continued succession of words and sighs. At one point, it was as if there was a strong current of specific issues rushing forth from my lips… After I was done, I realized that I had completely emptied myself of a lot of heaviness! Once I had ended, a silence filled my soul and settled my spirit. I began to think more clearly and found that in spite of the burdens I have, I am at peace with whatever the Lord will provide in the form of help.

I never really paid much attention to the word “poured” until now… Ladies, when you and I physically pour something out, we might pour fluid from one vessel to another. Of course, pouring is not limited to fluids but it provides a perfect image of what we are to do with our cares – pour them straight from our heart into the hand of God. When you think of pouring, you think of an abundance of substance rather than just a drop in the bucket. Which term would best describe your prayer life? Is it of sparing or generous measure?

1 Thes. 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.” 

The above verse certainly represents a conversation that is never broken but constant in flow. As I further pondered the term “pour”, I thought about how difficult it would be to gather up something of large quantity that had been spilled out all over. With God, things that are poured out are not intended to be retrieved! Once we dispense the contents of our hearts before the Lord, we must leave all with Him and patiently trust Him with the outcome. The Bible says God is a refuge – He is therefore the safest place for us to drain the stuff we are filled with. It is God’s will for us to do this for He requires His children be empty of every drop of care! Tip your heart upside down and let your burdens all run out…

In the silence of my chamber
I may with my Savior pour
All my worries and my troubles
As I talk with Him the more.
When I kneel before my Master,
I can feel His presence there,
And the load of care and sorrow
Seems much easier to bear.

In the silence of my chamber
I find peace, and lose despair,
For the glory of the Savior
Comes to me by way of prayer:
I can feel sweet peace descending
Like a shower from above,
And my heart grows calm and tender
In the blessing of His love.

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2002 Pamela A. Iannello


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