Haynes Family Prayer Letter - January 2018

Haynes Family
Missionaries to Italy

January  2018
Dear Supporting Church and Friends,
“But to do good and to communicate forget not…” (Hebrews 13:16)  We have got good news to tell you!  Let me start by thanking you for your prayers and financial support--because  without you and your efforts, this ministry could not go further.  Please do me the honor and give me a moment to inform you about some of your fruit!  

Praying over the 10 Bibles and Tracts we Shipped!
As you remember from some of the last prayer letters, we have been able to get some gospel tracts online and into some key areas.  53 people have gotten these Gospel Tracts of Salvation as of this prayer letter with some people positively responding and thanking us!  It’s been insanely amazing because on one of the salvation outreaches for Italy, a person contacted us back and asked for Bibles for himself and 8 of his students!  --MORE amazing than that is the Bible ad was found on a link in  Dubai….we didn’t even put the salvation outreaches in Dubai!!!  The Holy Spirit allowed HIS Word to reach into Dubai, which is an Islamic country (a little more “tolerant” than Turkey but still mainly Islamic).   So we got the Bibles together in a package for this teacher named George and we put some tracts in there as well. Please pray for him and his students as they study the Word of God, that they would get saved!  PLEASE KNOW also that these online Gospel tracts we are sending out as well as sermons and devotions are expected to DOUBLE the views next month---that means without touching them again, we are expecting to see more than 100 NEW PEOPLE around the world to receive the Gospel Tracts and Word of God.
God has given us a vision and burden for reaching entire towns in Italy even now. We have a game plan together and He has already laid a city on our hearts to start with. Serradifalco is where God wants us to begin evangelizing. We have all the costs together and the biggest cost is going to be for printing, Italian Chick tracts, shipping, and labor. Without being fully funded yet, we can’t swing this financially ourselves, but will do all the printing, folding, and stuffing ourselves. We are in need of $3000 total for this undertaking for over 4,000 homes in Italy to be reached with the Gospel. That totals less than $1 for each home to receive the Gospel in an entire city! If you could give just $5, that means that about 5 homes in Italy will hear the true salvation story of Jesus Christ! If you and your church are able to contribute to this effort, please indicate on the check that the money is to go towards the tracting outreach in Italy.
Thank you for praying for Justine as her health is continuing to improve and she is gaining her strength back.  I ask that you please continue to pray for us while on deputation.  The Lord has given us an increase of support by 6% this month!  --the way things are going, I am praying for another 6%-10% next month, would you please pray with us about this!
As I stated earlier, thank you very much for your prayer and financial support in sending the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to Italy.
In Christ,
Bro. Harrison Haynes and Family
Sending Church/Support
Bible Believers Bapt Church
℅ Bro. Harrison, Italy
120 Capshaw Rd
Madison, AL  35757


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