Pushing Up Pavement

By Pam Iannello (my late mother)

"Pushing Up Pavement"

What is a firm foundation for life? What is a shaky foundation? Do you know if you are establishing the right one?

Proverbs 12:3 (KJV)
A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.

Ladies, the Bible teaches us that wickedness is a very unreliable root system… It is never firmly established; at best it is only temporary and soon dries up, withers and blows away. Such persons are easily displaced by all sorts of conditions; they are ever taking on new forms. But the root of the righteous, on the other hand, is a different story! This root system has strength and stability; it cannot be shaken; it is unable to be pulled up. No set of circumstances is powerful enough to triumph over the depth of strength it possesses! It is always stable; always the same. When a person is truly planted in Christ, he sends down roots deep into the soil of God’s Word and will and what a remarkable foundation they have acquired for themselves!

As I came across this portion of scripture today, I was reminded of something I recently encountered… Whenever the weather permits, my husband and I like to take brisk morning walks together. Fortunately, there is a paved walking path very close to our home that winds through the woods and along a country creek. The scenery is very therapeutic and we always look forward to the break it affords us from our busy lifestyle to walk and talk. One morning I noticed a mounded rupture in the pavement where the root of a nearby tree was in the process of pushing its way up through the black topped walkway, creating quite a sizeable fracture. I was struck with the thought of how amazing it is that such a silent, motionless, unexpected object could accomplish such a powerful, seemingly impossible task! Why, I couldn’t budge that pavement with my own hand if I tried! But little by little, day by day, the root of that tree kept pressing against that rock-solid pathway and eventually broke through! As I looked around, none of the nearby trees appeared stressed or even lopsided, in spite of the obvious underlying effort that had been and still was taking place. And you couldn’t even hear the struggle… (You don’t have to be loud to make an impact…) Yes, roots are amazing things and while deep ones cannot be moved, they certainly can do a lot of moving themselves!

How about YOU, Christian woman? Are you a believer that cannot be uprooted? Are you one that can accomplish some remarkable tasks by way of your spiritual root system? Do you have the ability to “push up pavement”, so to speak; to silently press against the harder things of life and still grow; still thrive and stand strong as a Christian? How much inner strength does your relationship with Christ afford you?

Col. 2:7-8 (KJV)
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. [8] Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Four Things That Will Mess Up Your Root System
  1. Philosophy of man
  2. Vain deceit
  3. Tradition of men
  4. Rudiments of the world

One Thing That Will Provide You With A Strong Root System
  1. Personal, Active Relationship with Jesus Christ

Ladies, we are only safest and strongest when Jesus Christ is the source of spiritual nourishment and growth. Anything else you might be tempted to tap into will not supply you with what you need to face the harder side of life – they will only spoil your faith! Only God’s Word is able to build you up; to supply you with the strength necessary to thrive in the face of difficulty and help you push against the forces of evil that you’ll encounter from time to time. How deep are the roots of your faith? Are you tackling the tough stuff, moment by moment, day by day, and making some noticeable headway? Today, so many people have obvious signs of stress in their lives, including God’s people. But ladies, it’s time we reversed the situation; it’s time we put some signs of Christ’s strength into our circumstances!! Is there stress in your Christianity or Christianity in your stress? Deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ is the one way to a vital spiritual life… By His power and person we can have a godly impact and make a unique godly impression - much like that silent tree root did in our paved walkway, regardless of how hard things may be!

In closing, I took note of that tree root on our walk that morning and ended up learning a lot about my walk with the Lord… But how inspiring it would be if others were able to take note of our relationship with Jesus Christ and learn by way of our human example that no set of circumstances is impossible when we are firmly rooted in the Lord!

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2

Copyright 2006 Pamela A. Iannello


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