Haynes Family Prayer Letter - June/July 2016
Haynes to Italy
June/July 2016
Dear Supporting Churches, Pastors, and Friends,
First and foremost, I want to greatly thank you for your constant prayers and financial support of God's need for the lost souls in Italy to hear the Gospel! Deputation is a blessing because it connects a Missionary with Mission-minded, Bible believing churches all over the USA...churches which have a grave and sober understanding about the commandment of the Lord in Matt 28:19, "Go ye therefore...". Our Lord and King Jesus Christ means enough to you, personally, that you are sacrificing and sending missionaries to countries like Italy---where 1,500 years ago the Roman government was doing everything in their power to kill our forefathers of the Faith! I Thess 1:8b "...but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad..."
Sweat poured from his face and blood dripped off his right hand as his left hand continued to clutch the tire iron. I could tell this guy had been fighting for a long time with a friend turned enemy due to the impact marks left by the tire iron. This exhausted guy engaged the most stubborn of all things forged from steel...a lug nut. I want to thank my pastor friend who supplied a tool in answered prayer for traveling on the road. You see, I understand what it is like to have a flat tire and need some help! I am able to give the Gospel to people who are in need of help with flat tires now and each one receives the Gospel with the knowledge that I helped them out of a tight spot for free—and Jesus Christ will help them out of an eternal tight spot for free! One guy I stopped to help was actually a pastor of 52+ years!! --I told him I was a missionary to Italy and he told me he and the rest of the churches he knew would be praying for us—Amen!!
My wife has also been able to get the Gospel to people in Sweden...please pray for Nikar, an open minded, college student who is on a quest to find out what life is about. She was also able to share the Gospel with some lost family this month as well!
June was a big mile marker for us, as we have now been in well over 50 churches since January and we had another church take us on for support this month which was encouraging to our hearts to keep pressing on.
In closing, June and July were very busy for us with full schedules: 16 churches and 2 mission's conferences. We are still at about 10% support, however I am very optimistic about being around 30% or so around August....at least that is what I am praying about, if all the last month's promised support comes in. Please pray for us because I can tell the enemy is not happy with the forward movement we are making (all Glory to Jesus Christ) even though it might not be very large all the time...it's still forward! From my presentation, you know God has opened a great door for us, and I would like to ask you to please pray for us and the efforts in getting to Italy. Italy has a great need, and I am sure glad I have you as a church praying for us and supporting the work of the Lord in Italy.
Thank you for your "work of faith, and labour of love," I Thess 1:3.
In Christ,
Bro. Harrison Haynes
Your Missionary in Italy
Sending Church/Support
Bible Believers Baptist Church
c/o Bro. Harrison Haynes
120 Capshaw Rd
Madison, AL 35757
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