Organized Rebellion

Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/

By Pam Iannello - my late mother

Genesis 11:1

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

What are the advantages of a common language?  Certainly much work could

be accomplished at a faster rate if we were all of one speech, amen? Such was the setting after the flood... It all began when God had previously instructed Noah to be fruitful and replenish the earth. Nimrod, a descendent of Noah, had become a mighty one in the earth who had unified the people in numerous construction projects, the most prominent being that of the Tower of Babel.  (Gen. 10:8-10) 

However, it was nothing more than an organized rebellion against God who had told them to scatter abroad, not congregate in one place!  As a matter of fact, Nimrod's name actually means, "let us revolt". 

Genesis 11:2-4

And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.  And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly.  And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let US build US a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let US make US a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

"GO TO" - The Organization of Man's Plan

Like you and I, the people who sought out the plain of Shinar had some hopes and dreams of their own. Let's look at what they hoped to accomplish with their plans:

1.  to build a city (secular)

2.  to build a tower reaching unto heaven (religious)

3.  to make a name for themselves (prideful)

Why were their plans organized as such?  Because these folk were not willing to be scattered.  In other words, they were not willing to align their desires with God's way of doing things! However, while rejecting the knowledge of God, this group threw a little religion into their plans to ease their conscience by intending to construct a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. Perhaps you've talked to people before who frequently include godly terminology in discussion of their goals yet never fully carry out God's plan for their life... Notice too, that these disobedient citizens sought out level land in which to build their city and tower; land where there were no obvious obstacles or opposition to construction and where their personal achievements could stand openly for all to see.  Man tends to settle himself where the most glory can be acquired!  As a matter of fact, that's how some people choose churches too! 

Before we go on, what do you hope to accomplish in your life, dear lady? How do you intend to see it take place?  Be honest with yourself today, have you been striving to make a name for yourself in defiance of God's decrees??  Are you mixing secular elements with religious elements in the building process? Can we really build godliness into our lives apart from doing things totally God's way??  Notice these people used what they had in abundance for building purposes - brick and slime - which I will liken to hard hearts and sinful attitudes... Yes, with their own materials they presumptuously assumed their human efforts could create a way to heaven and acceptance with God!


Mankind has a strong urge for reputation but more than that - a desire for independence from God!  Inspect closely your personal goals today... If our plans and dreams don't align 100% with God's Word, they are nothing more than secular constructions as was the end result of this city of Babylonia. Secular is defined as: of man, by man and for man. Think about it... Cities are typically the center of commercial and business life where all bodily needs can be met and hungers of the soul can be satisfied - of man, by man and for man! But where is GOD in all that secular satisfaction?? A city is a monument to man's independence.  Are you a CITY girl?? 

Ladies, without total dependency placed upon God, our plans are nothing more than an attempt to gain earthly power and prestige by means of religious activity!

Building a tower in your life apart from total submission to God's will is nothing more than building a monument of human pride, commemorating continued disobedience to the Lord... Such self-centered plans coupled with religious talk

are not really for God's glory - they are just a way of scheming against the Lord and using Him for our glory! It's a way of making God available to us when we're "in the mood" for Him. Would you think a structure built between worldliness and godliness could be found pleasing to God whereby the two conditions could

meet and be united??  Let's find out...

Genesis 11:5-6

And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.  And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do:  and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.


Ladies, whenever we begin carrying out our own plans and intentions, the

Lord will personally inspect ALL our work of what sort it is - the city plans AND the tower plans! He will inspect our purposes, our ambitions, and our desires... Are yours ready for inspection today?? No matter what monumental task you might be busy carrying out, before construction is completed the Lord will judge the work that is going on in your life.  What do you think God is going to look for, ladies?? 

The Lord inspects our organized activities to see whether or not we are living independently of Him; whether or not we are in rebellion to His Word and His ways!  How much rebellion do you think God allows in our lives??  NONE!  Whether it's organized or not, if you are attempting to build a name for yourself in a secular fashion, make no mistake about it - God will bring your work to an end! 

Proverbs 16:9

A man's heart deviseth his way:  but the Lord directeth his steps.

What activities do people engage in so that they  may make a name for themselves?  What about Christians??  Regardless of what activities they may be, there is to be nothing in our lives prized above the Lord! God is not to be left out of the city of man!  We need cities whose builder and maker is God, amen? He must be included in construction at the onset if it will ever last!  Jesus Christ and our relationship with Him must be the chief cornerstone…

1 Peter 2:6

Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

What institutions, activities, or accomplishments compete for our ultimate attention or allegiance?  Is it right for us to exclude God from His own universe?? No matter if there are countless others who speak the same language as you, the majority opinion is not safe if God is not pleased! THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE... Even if you intend your efforts to touch heaven somehow and you are satisfied with things as they are, such ill-fated beginnings must come to an end...     

Genesis 11: 7-9

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.  So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:  and they left off to build the city.  Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

"GO TO, LET US GO DOWN" - The Organization of God's Plan

Yes, the Lord allowed these people to carry out their secular plans - for a time... God wisely let's us experience the fruit of our doings and discover how shallow the promises are that we make ourselves. He sees right through our religious talk... Ladies, no matter what we devise, or how long we have been about our organized activities, God will have the last word! Confusion sets in when we don't speak the same language as the Lord. Through our disobedience, we are left in a confounded state. When we forsake His Word, His will and His work, we cannot build anything monumental in our lives!

Today, the exact location of the tower of Babel is not known, for there are no known remains! So too, there is no value in human plans or efforts apart from God; there is nothing to show for our work in the end. The only significant accomplishments are the Lord's - in and through us - for only these partake of the nature of God. Apart from pure, unadulterated obedience to Him, all else is a waste and the fruit of your desires becomes like brick and slime in your mouth.

Whenever you go against God’s will, your labor, though organized, will come to naught in spite of all the time you invested! 


Why do you think God thought it was necessary to confound the language of

the world?  It was to bring their independent plans to an end; to cause them to focus on wholehearted obedience to Him (as they should have to begin with); to heed God's counsel and value it above all others. Ladies, if people can't communicate with each other, they can hardly cooperate with each other. Hence, their building process came to an abrupt halt. At Babel, when men no longer understood one another, there was no alternative but to scatter. They spread out and settled in areas with those who spoke the same language as them. God's will was done! 

**On a marital note** The tower of Babel has many reminders for us...

1. No talk together (husband & wife can't discuss wants or needs)

2. No work together (couple can't build home)

3. No stay together (construction of relationship will cease)

4. Scatter (go find those who speak the same language and unite with them)

When husbands and wives don't listen to and obey the Lord, confusion pervades the home. Construction comes to a halt and the marriage deteriorates...

In closing, the safest plan for all of us as individuals is to speak the same language as the Lord! That's when true unity exists in our hearts, our homes and our churches. Those who have been saved for awhile have hopefully stopped the obvious, open rebellion toward God, but soberly consider today whether or not there is any organized rebellion going on in your life - that which is wearing the disguise of religion yet still disobedience in the eyes of the Lord... Don't build a wall between you and your God with the bricks of independence! 

Jeremiah 10:23-24

O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. O Lord, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.

God Bless,


Isaiah 60:1&2

Copyright 2001 Pamela A. Iannello

Revised 2003


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