Ruling Your Spirit

By Pam Iannello (my late mother)

"Ruling Your Spirit"

What gets you mad? What sorts of issues tend to inflame you? How do you vent your anger and frustration? Would the Lord consider you a person who is good at managing yourself during emotional peaks of any kind? If not, what is your strategy to better controlling the way in which you deal with anger or express your irritations in general? Perhaps even contemplating this topic is highly agitating to you! If so, you need to read on… In fact, we all should, so let’s brave the storm and look at what God says about the things that take place inside of us…

Proverbs 16:32 (KJV)
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

According to the Word of God, it takes more power, wisdom, and strength to rule our spirits than it does to capture and claim authority over a whole city! The question is - are you winning the war within? Ladies, let’s be honest with ourselves once againhow much of a goal is self control for you? In dealing with people by way of the ministry I would have to say that a lot of Christians give the impression they would rather control a “city” than they would themselves. Most people crave public power and influence; yet very few give emphasis to ruling their own spirits. How about you – would you rather govern a metropolis of sorts or govern your own spirit? Do you have a stronger desire for might or meekness? Do you have more city control or self control? If you aren’t sure then let’s consider a few more things and carry along our honesty at the same time…

The “city” that women have a tendency to want to rule encompasses a lot of small communities. The main district that usually receives constant female supervision and authoritative, energetic management is the husband. Yes, many Christian women endeavor to rule their men and their homes on a daily basis a lot more than they do themselves! All attention is given to reorganizing his character and choices. Naturally, if a woman has successfully dominated the husbandly district of her city it is only a matter of time before she will move on to the next neighborhood and endeavor to rule in the church as well. Here the Christian woman attempts to manipulate the pastor the same way she does her spouse or govern in ministerial capacities the same way she does in her home! Yes, ladies, we are good at communal control but quite inexperienced at self control. With might and vigor we seek to command the atmosphere of our homes, our churches, and even the atmosphere of the workplace - but not in our own hearts! We are failures at ruling our own spirits because in all honesty, we prefer to take a city; we prefer to rule externally rather than internally. And unfortunately, this leaves us in a very vulnerable state…

Proverbs 25:28 (KJV)
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

Now I realize that the world considers women who effectively manage cities to be commendable creatures. Taking a city is quite an accomplishment, but God considers self-control an even greater feat! Taking a city basically means to set up rule, government, and authority – controlling all that goes on within it. And ladies, if you are anything like me, what goes on inside of YOU is a whole lot BIGGER than what goes on inside a city, amen? Before you think too highly of all your social achievements, you better take a good, long, hard, honest look at your self-control. Do you really have rule over your own spirit? Or are you a city that is broken down and without walls?

Proverbs 19:11 (KJV)
The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.

Self rule improves personal potential. Those who have no self control make poor managers in general, no matter what they try to do. However, Solomon teaches us that discretion enables a person to control his anger, and even makes it possible to pass over transgressions of all sorts! So then, how vulnerable are YOU to the transgressions of other people, dear lady? Do you find it difficult to overlook offenses? When they come, is that when you typically lose control of your thoughts, your words, and your actions? Have you enough discretion to deal properly with emotionally charged subjects? If you did, discretion would defer your anger – it would keep your emotions from escalating so that you could retain control and react in a suitable, Christ-like fashion to the situation before you. Discretion is a hedge of protection around your heart and mind. Without it you will ruin your opportunities to have a happy home, to work effectively for the Lord, and merely deal adequately with the issues of life. Ladies, no matter what your skills, abilities, or knowledge, all of these can be destabilized without the ability to rule your own spirit. It’s better to regulate your heart before you seek to regulate anything else! GOD CONSIDERS SELF RULE THE BEST AMBITION. Do you?

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2007 Pamela A. Iannello


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