More Than A Crisis Prayer

Rise and Shine for Jesus! \O/

By Pam Iannello (my late mother)
A ministry of New Beginnings Baptist Church @

When has an emergency or personal problem caused you to pray?  It's interesting how these are the times that we can always be found beseeching the Lord for His help.  But what about when there is no emergency, what about when there is no crisis in our lives, are we praying then??  Why do you think it is that personal crises motivate people to pray more?  Do you think perhaps we might need to change our attitude toward prayer if this is usually the case?

Psalm 5:1-2 (KJV)
Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God:  for unto thee will I pray.

Just like us, David prayed to the Lord when he had big problems.  But did you notice the way he prayed?  His words sound like a pretty bold approach, don't they? And there is a desperate ring to them as well. No doubt about it, when emergencies and problems come into our lives we ache for the Lord to hearken unto us!  We want - and need - God to listen to our cries for help and consider our pleas. Like David, during these times we have chosen our King and have laid our cares at His feet, trusting Him for guidance. What a privilege we have as God’s children to go to His throne of grace during the most difficult times of our lives! It gives us an advantage over our enemies that they do not have. Those that do not know the Lord do not have such wonderful access to divine help.  Therefore the wicked are limited in their ability to overcome the righteous.  Praise God for the power and privilege of prayer....   

Incidentally, how and when we pray reveals much about the person we are.  It also reveals much about our attitude toward prayer. Just what was David's attitude toward prayer? Was he guilty of only praying in a personal crisis?

Psalm 5:3 (KJV)
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

I think David had a proper attitude toward prayer because the Bible says here that God heard his voice EVERY morning!  In other words, he wasn't just a crisis-prayer.  David purposely directs his attentions and his voice toward the Lord daily, every morning.  As a matter of fact, we find over in Psalm 55:17 that David prays in the evening, morning AND at noon. Do you pay the Lord that much attention, dear lady?  Does the Lord hear your voice that often?  Did He hear your voice this morning, or will He only hear it when you have a personal crisis?? 

I like what David said at the conclusion of verse three; he said, "and will look up".  To me this imparts an attitude of respect. When you are engaged in conversation, do you usually look directly AT people or only throw them a glance intermittently?  Do others look directly at you when chatting with you?  How do you feel if the person you are addressing is focused elsewhere?  Looking at people directly while speaking to them is certainly respectful behavior.  When my children were younger and didn't focus in on me when I was talking to them, I would say, "Look at my eyes!"  To do this shows that you have placed value upon on individuals and are intent upon listening and learning.  It proves that you WANT to hear and understand the other party.  So it is when we pray to the Lord... What do you think David was looking for when he looked up in his time of prayer?  Certainly he was looking for the Lord to intervene on his behalf in specific matters.  I'm sure he was also looking for hope, daily guidance, definite answers, peace that passes all understanding, and strength that only God can give.  Yes, David was looking to learn about the God who saved his soul... 

Matthew 11:29 (KJV)
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Ladies, prayer offers us a greater glimpse of our heavenly Father!  Are you looking up in prayer with the attitude that you want to learn more about the Lord?  Have you fixed your eyes upon the Lord yet today?  Are you looking daily to Him for guidance or just rambling aimlessly through your daily list of prayer requests while thinking about the other things that need your attention?  If so, you need to change your attitude toward prayer!  You're missing out on really KNOWING the Lord....  You see, we must discipline ourselves to reverently focus on God's character and abilities when we pray.  He's the only one that can bring rest to our souls...  Look up and only up - not down and not around! You just might see the glory of God and forget about your circumstances like Stephen did!  Even Jesus prayed looking up....

John 17:1 (KJV)
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said Father…

Acts 7:55 (KJV)
But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.

You see ladies, when we join Stephen in his attitude of steadfastness during prayer, we'll be more likely to pray ALL the time and not just when things get difficult. We'll become more than crisis-prayers!  We won't be able to take our eyes off the Lord and the daily strength and wisdom that are available to us through a growing relationship with God!  We'll eagerly stay engaged in constant conversation with our Father in heaven. This is the attitude we need to have when it comes to prayer…

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV)
Pray without ceasing.

In closing, search your heart today won't you, and find out the reasons you usually have for praying.  What is it that has been motivating you most often - problems only, or a desire to stay close to your heavenly Father?  What distracts you most from talking to the Lord daily, even hourly?  How do you need to change your attitude toward prayer? Take the necessary steps to establish consistency in conversation with your heavenly Father.  God desires - and deserves - to hear our voices regularly, to have us look His way more than just in our time of personal crisis! 


We often say our prayers
But do we ever PRAY?
Or do the wishes of our heart
Go with the words we say?
We may as well kneel down
And worship gods of stone,
As offer to the LIVING God
A prayer of words alone!
For words, without the heart
The Lord will never hear,
Nor will He to the one impart
Whose prayers are not sincere.
Lord show us what we need to see,
And teach us how to pray.
Please help us more to seek THY face
and mean the words we say.

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2000 Pamela A. Iannello
Revised 2004


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