Staying Healthy on the Road

I have a quick but very helpful tip for you today that I had to share because it has been a lifesaver for me and my family many a time. I learned that a drop or two of peppermint essential oil on a spoonful of honey takes a sore throat away immediately - and this claim is a true one! It helps also to soothe coughs better than cough drops (I know this from personal experience!) 
So I wanted to share this during the hard winter months when so many of us and our children especially, come down with all sorts of sickness at the drop of a hat it seems. For those of you that are not familiar with essential oils or think they are too expensive, I have found some on at great prices - like this one HERE.

Also, while on the road, I have discovered that the Dollar Tree of all places, sells unsulphured molasses for $1! 

What a blessing that find was, because molasses is what I give to my children to keep their minerals up for their immunity. I give each of them a spoonful daily and so that's 4 spoonfuls a day and a bottle lasts them about 2 weeks. So for $2 a month, I get their multi-mineral supplement. For those of you on tight budgets, you will know what I mean when you think you can't afford to give your kids supplements and yet can't afford for them to get sick either. Well, this is what the Lord mercifully showed me, and I hope it's a blessing to you too! If you are not familiar with the amazing benefits of molasses, please read on here.

A little different post than usual, but it's part of what we are learning with life on deputation! Hope you can use it too!
Will write again soon, Ciao :)


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