This Week: Asheboro, NC

Well, we headed toward North Carolina after being in the Tri-Cities and met lots more great folks and stayed in the very historic Mocksville. We loved seeing all the OLD homes in the area and found a neat historic spot...
Claudia was exhausted from all the travel and caught a nap in a prophet's chamber as we packed up the car for NC.
In Mocksville, NC, we saw the burial site of Daniel Boone's parents. Chloe and Clarke got to learn about them and we incorporated that into our schooling that day.

THIS IS MY NEW INVENTION! How I dry laundry on the road ;) Claudia spilled apple juice all on her leggings. The rest of her clothes were in the cartop carrier and not accessible (lesson learned) so I washed these leggings in the sink and then hung them to dry from the hook right next to the air vent. After a few hours and rotating them, they were dry! Deputation DIY!
Clint enjoys kefir smoothies now and Chloe loves feeding it to him!
It was a really neat treat to be able to stop at Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro, AL on our way back to our home church. We really enjoyed the stop and it is a great place to go visit if you ever can. All the unclaimed baggage from the world's airports ends up right here! Pretty amazing place and my husband said we are going here on our anniversary date! He was like a kid in a candy store! :) lol Good stress relief before our next trip to Florida and Louisiana! 
 While back here in AL, we spent Easter Sunday in our home church and got to spend time with dear friends, the Campbell Family to Scotland. We had them over for Sunday dinner of sauce and meatballs and had great fellowship together! I also had the seemingly endless chore of switching out everyone's winter clothes and trying on summer clothes to find things that fit everybody. That is an all day chore with 5 kids!!! But we got it done and now just have to pack all the suitcases again this next week. Praise the Lord for all the sweet people we have met, the great meetings we have had and the new ones we got even today....look forward to posting all the pics of this next trip too! 
:) Keep praying :)


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