This Week: Missions House in Tri-Cities, TN


This week we were in Kingsport, TN for a missions conference and the nearby area for some more meetings. The church in Kingsport had a beautiful missions HOUSE for us to stay in! We enjoyed the week in a 3 bedroom, fully furnished home - complete with bunkbeds! The children had a wonderful time and the Lord was so kind and gracious in meeting many needs through this church! Praise the Lord for faithful saints :) Below is a quick peek into our week here...

Claudia enjoyed hiding under the beds at the missions house. Who needs toys?!
Harrison bought me some olives when he went to the grocery store! Sweet surprise! Some girls need diamonds to feel loved; all I need are Sicilian olives ;)

As an outing, the church in Kingsport took us to nearby Bay's Mountain - which has a Nature Reserve and dam. This is looking over the top of the dam down the falls.

Little Clint is 6 months old now and he loved being outside on such a pretty day!

Clint and Daddy on Bay's Mt.

Another Picture of the Beautiful "Almost Spring" Day on Bay's Mt.

Claire and Claudia enjoyed the week here too. Clarke and Chloe make friends everywhere they go which helps take the edge off for them with moving around so much. 
We will be heading to North Carolina this week, so please keep us in your prayers! My husband has also had quite a few chances to share the gospel this week, so please keep the hearts of those witnessed to in prayer. Our meetings are going well and we just keep praying for grace every day. God is faithful and merciful!

One verse that has been an encouragement to me on deputation is Isaiah 40:11,
 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

Praise the Lord!


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