Haynes Family Prayer Letter - August 2016

*​The Haynes Family to Italy*

August 2016

Dear Supporting Churches, Pastors, and Friends,

     Sitting across a table with only a KJV Bible between me and a teenager
who has just heard a spiritual bell toll:  knowing the penalty for sin,
Lance sadly decided to wait until another day to receive Jesus Christ as
his Lord.  I don't know if I'll ever physically meet this young man Lance
again, however, he will eternally remember me if he goes to hell.  Please
pray for the Lord to keep convicting his soul until he accepts Jesus.

     *Almost 50 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and
Saviour* during the week of the Appalachian State Fair!  *Did you hear
that? ...50!*  The Lord worked it out that while I was up in the Tri-Cities
area of TN, that Amazing Grace Missions was working a booth at the fair and
I had the privilege to be able to help. I am also happy about the
"blueprint" I got that I will apply to our ministry in Italy!  You see...in
the law enforcement world, we called it a "dry run" which basically means a
practice round.  A trial or test run before the real thing.  I plan to use
this style of public outreach on the mission field and the open markets of
Italy.  So I am thrilled to put the final pieces of this public evangelism
together...another heavenly crown producing machine for your church!

     We have had 3 more churches start supporting the ministry in Italy
during the month of August, which was such a blessing to us. We also are
praying for all the people involved in the earthquake, that the Lord will
get them the Gospel and that the Lord will use this to show all the
churches here in America the vast need in Italy. There is a startling fact
that over 70% of Italy's 8,101 hilltop villages have Zero Bible presence.
---*I'm talking a total vacuum*—completely untouched, wide-open
fields---it's like driving a combine to a field to harvest crops!!  There
is heavenly fruit for the taking, don't miss out! Please pray that the Lord
gets us to this over-ripe field soon so that we can get this country the
truth it needs.

     August 2016 marks our 1 year on deputation and as we look back over
the year, we are so thankful and amazed as to how God got our family of 7
through it all! There were several times that things looked very bleak, but
God in His mercy saw us through something that on paper looked impossible
to accomplish! But that's our God! The God of the impossible – and we are blessed to serve Him!  
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers as we have a packed schedule for the rest of 2016.  I would like to ask prayer for a 15 passenger van, now that we have seen what works and what doesn’t work well with traveling—I believe a 15 passenger van will accommodate our needs better for 2017, thanks for praying!

In Christ,

Bro. Harrison Haynes

Your Missionary to Italy

    *Sending Church/Support*

  Bible Believers Baptist Church

  c/o Harrison Haynes
120 Capshaw Road
 Madison, AL  35757


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