Heavenly Remedy: Natural Help for Lupus

I have Lupus and for many of you that aren't familiar with the disease, it can be tricky to pin point since it resembles many other illnesses. It also flares up under stress which I have plenty of while on deputation and as a result of that, I have had a very bad rash on my hands, known as the Lupus rash. I have been studying the disease for a while and have pretty much narrowed down some of the causes of the disease. It's basically a result of toxic build up in the system, environmentally and from pesticides on food and chemicals in water which in turn causes inflammation and distress in the body as these poisons accumulate and wreak havoc.
That being said, I hadn't told anyone that I have Lupus and was praying and trying desperately to find something that would help all the symptoms I was having.
On my birthday, my pastor's wife gave me 3 bottles of essential oils which was such a blessing and answer to prayer.
Among them was an oil called Ocotea. I had not heard of it before, but I was intensely drawn to the scent and I was intrigued to know why I was. So I studied the benefits of Ocotea Oil (which you can read too by clicking the link). It said nothing specifically about Lupus in the description, BUT the article did mention the fact that Ocotea helps with skin rashes and I was definitely excited about that because my skin would literally rip apart on my hands and be bloody, very painful and get infected.
So as seen in my picture above, I also started taking the Ocotea oil internally by putting about 5 drops of the oil in a small gelatin capsule and taking it once a day. My hands have so greatly improved as well as my digestion and the Lupus rash on my face and hands too. 
One other thing I did since Ocotea oil purifies and helps remove toxins from the liver (which is really needed with Lupus sufferers), was to take charcoal capsules at night to help bind the toxins that were being released and speed their elimination through the digestive tract. 
This small regimen has proven a Godsend and has put my Lupus in remission. I realize that  Organic Ocotea Essential Oil can be pricey, but if you have Lupus, then the money is well spent.
(I do have links to the products mentioned only to save you time and money as I have done the pricing for you for the best product for the least money).
Please do know that I am not selling essential oils to you at all - I'm not even signed up to sell them, but I want to let others know of something that can naturally help put Lupus in remission and ways to naturally find relief that you may not have known about.
If you know someone with Lupus, please pass this post on to them and I hope you can benefit from these findings as well! 

For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord;    ~Jeremiah 30:17a

*Even though I am a certified practitioner, please consume supplements at your own risk and if unsure of any information here, please consult your physician.


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